Posts by Slacker101
In shamE fashion, I direct you to two videos for my answer.
Quote from "icomrade";p="11983"
While the panel MAY be from an older cinema display, cheaping out on the other parts of the monitor is not such a great idea. Also considering that the warranty is probably crap, if it even exists. instead of buying a cheap nock-off I'd suggest waiting a while until you can afford the real one.
I fully understand all the risks and implications and have looked into it fully. I'm fairly sure it's the same panel as the current cinema just probably not up to their standards since the A- have a higher probability of being flawed and that is what they currently use in the displays. There is a warranty but it's not worth using. 1k for a monitor is a tad impractical.
Quote from "icomrade";p="11977"
While I agree 10000000% with the suggestion of an IPS panel there are a couple of things to watch out for.
1. e-IPS is an IPS panel, but it's the low low low end of IPS panels, that being said it is better than a TN panel.2. keep an eye on response time. I game on an S-PVA panel with 6ms response time. The difference is unnoticeable between my 2ms TN-panel, the trade-off between picture quality and response time is worth it 10 times over.
3. Backlight bleeding is not a problem with IPS or PVA panels normally, lower quality TN panels almost 100% of the time have this issue.
4. This is probably one of the best displays for consumers (yes, it's apple, but bear with me) Apple Cinema Display Specs it has a 12 ms response time, the absolute max I would game on. Also note that it uses Intel's Thunderbolt technology for image, you can use DisplayPort (like I do on my HP LP2275w) and loose some functionality that isn't noticeable for gamers.
5. Contrast ratio is generally a garbage spec on TN panels, the contrast ratio is usually measured correctly but using 100% contrast on TN-panels often lessens color distinction and increases backlight bleed visibility.
6. Color display: TN panels can display 262,000 colors natively, and up to 16.7 million colors using dithering, which produces inaccurate colors
Here's a couple of recommendations (and no the Apple display isn't one). Good IPS and PVA panels can natively display 16.7 million colors and high-end H-IPS, and P-IPS displays can natively display over 1 billion colors AH-IPS (not in production) supports just as many but is extremely high pixel density.1. a dell Dell UltraSharp 24" or if you like colors you can get this one, it also has 2ms quicker response time Dell UltraSharp 27" (supports 1.07 billion colors (10bit H-IPS) instead of the 24" 16.7 million colors (8bit S-IPS))
2. an Asus P-IPS 24" monitor this is a newer panel type (P stands for professional). Personally I would chose this one, It also have 10bit color as apposed to the S-IPS of 8bit color.
Read more on the comparison of panel types here:
Also, if you do end up getting a very high end IPS panel like the Asus or Dell 27" they should come factory calibrated or come with a calibration tool, but if it doesn't you should look into these.
Or if you're on a terrible budget and a bit of a gambler (like me) you could go with one of the various lower end Korean IPS. They used the 27 inch LG A- panel that the apple cinema uses for about 400 bucks (US) delivered (to the US) not sure what it would be for you. While it is the same panel it's very low end only supports one DVI dual link input and has a wheel to adjust brightness. Also keep in mind that the top 20% - 40% of the panels go to apple and the rest are basically randomly distributed to the off brand companies. Out of the people who have reported buying them 6% were dissatisfied and had flawed displays whether it was a couple dead pixels or back light issues, or anything else that could go wrong. Personally considering doing this myself. I can't afford an apple cinema display or the ultra sharp 27inch. It's an interesting option.
The one I like is shimian there is a model of it with tempered glass and the stand is removable.
An alternative is the catleap which has a shaky stand and apparently the only way to remove said stand is to open it up.
Both have the standard vesa mounting holes.
Quote from "NecessaryEvil";p="11960"
More like mountain men. Living off the land in a zombie-infested world. SCANNER always has enough spare steaks if you want to join us.
We're playin DayZ zombie survival mod for ArmA 2 Combined Ops
But then I would have to buy stuff....
You should get a 2560x1440 IPS panel if you're going with two 680s. Otherwise one is just going to be sitting there basically lol. Plus they are beautiful displays.
Is everything set in stone now yoda, or can we talk about changing the game type (maybe SDM to better accomodate 16 players)?
And what about hardcore mode? It's like a wookie convention in there.
Hardcore is fucking terrible.. too many snipers and just dying from nowhere. Especially with only 16 people in rush. Well, at least that's my personal opinion. -
so you dont have a phone or you payed $500 for a piece of shit flip phone without a contract?
paid* -
So you needed donations from people to keep the server going and then the next month bought a BFBC2 server... and now you are taking it with you since you are quitting but my guess is Chachi and others paid more then you did... also on top of that you said you got a $2000 computer, nice one.
So you needed donations from people to keep the server going and then the next month bought a BFBC2 server... and now you are taking it with you since you are quitting but my guess is Chachi and others paid more then you did... also on top of that you said you got a $2000 computer, nice one.
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So much win. -
Are we going to be able to transfer the server to crysis 2 no matter what plan you go with? I assume so but it is also something to think about. I would donate but I don't have a paypal and I am unemployed at the moment. Job market is fail in Ohio.
Nice, I'm thinking about buying a 470 Superclocked+ since it has the aluminum backplate and better circulation.
Slacker keep telling your dad to take it out and wash it maybe he'll feel like taking you for cruise or letting you drive :wink: btw what year is it?
Cool monza Evil, man i see a v8 in a little car and well... i hope you bought an extra set of rear wheels
1984 -
I don't own my own car unfortunately and hell would have freeze over twice before my parents would buy me one but I like driving my dad's 2001 Lincoln Continental. At first I was bummed out and thought it was an old man's car since well, older people seem to drive either a Lincoln or a Buick. I honestly have learned to love it with a 4.6 liter v8 and overhead cam, about 300 horsepower >.>. Plus it has an in dash LED display for trip logging, mpg, and other semi-useless but fun features. My favorite part is the optional sound system he has in it. Anyway his pride and joy, although he stacks boxes on it from time to time which I don't understand, is his Porsche 944 turbo. I'm not allowed to drive it, which is why he hasn't taught me to drive stick :O. Here is a picture of one, not his since his is all dusty and its midnight so I'm lazy. Same color and it has the pop out roof panel.
He used to own a 67 Firebird 400 but he sold it to his brother who trashed it. He also had a 1958 mga twin cam that he rebuilt from parts. He sold that when his first wife wanted a family car. -
BFBC2 is 33 bucks on steam for today.
Happy Birthday
Happy late b-day
They are coming out to fix it tomorrow I have a funny story about it but I'm too lazy to type it.
yeah we saw you connecting the day before but you were gone pretty fast...
In terms of scrims: I am sorry but I was not able to join the last Saturdays due to other stuff (friends wedding etc.) and I may not even make it today.
Life comes first no problem. It was just odd how the one a few weeks ago had almost 20 people and then it goes to none lol