• so basically i want to join evil's clan again and in about a month i can play crysis again so the mic will just have 2 wait . iduring that time i will play call of duty 4 . damn it takes a long time to type this on a ps3 . cya real soon! :D

    "Knowledge is power and power corrupts, so study hard and be evil."
    "If we do not end wars, wars will end us"

  • OH ok then my bad srry evil. Actually i didnt use a keyboard or it wouldve been really fast. Actually the ps3, when browsing the internet lets you select areas where you can enter text. When you select it it shows a popout keyboard and around it with the options of either caps lock (which can automatically be selected from the controller as R2) accented letters (letters with lines and dots around them) and a few other things. So you have to use the buttons on the controller to navigate accross the kyboard and select letters and make words out of them. Also it has a predictions area where it shows all of the words possible to make with the letters youve typed (an entire dictionary is in there so no worries) and you can go there and select what words you typed. Also if you select a word from there in predictions it also shows what words you ever typed after that. If you type something out of its dictionary then it stores it and it puts it in predictions. And the Wii isnt crappy i own the Wii too. It lets you enjoy fun video games while getting an exercise which is what we all need. Sprry for the long post but i like to give answers with the necessary details. I hope this answers your question evil. :) Oh and i hope i can gain access to private topics soon ty.

    "Knowledge is power and power corrupts, so study hard and be evil."
    "If we do not end wars, wars will end us"