about =OSF= server rules

  • i've been playing on this sever for a while, its great and its the last one with real good and nice players in crysis wars

    BUT because of this some players with high ping from distant countries like to join and play abusing speed, freeze guns and stuff, and fucking with the good experience of the game

    tonight for example, some retards were abusing speed in the server and didn't get kicked for some reason

    this is actually ridiculous and unfair, cause these bitches are just fucking around with the game, and some players like me, that respect the rules of the server are affected and the whole experience of the server is becoming a BROS like server

    please, I'm asking you admins, dont let =OSF= become a BROS like server
    Please admins, strictly follow the rules so we can still enjoy this game while it lasts
    just clean players and fair game for everyone

    the player that doesnt respect the rules, independent of his score or skill, should suffer the consequences of not following the rules

    thanks by the atention
