• Please note that I am aware of the large numbers of bans caused by remoteexec restriction (DayZ-Antihax), this usually happens to a legitimate player when a helicopter is blown up near by. Also note that there is no chance, at this current time, that this can be avoided with the auto-ban tool we use, unless we are to expose the server to hackers more easily.

    Ban appeals are on a per-request per-review basis, this means if you were banned for crashing a helicopter you MUST create a ban appeal. There are simply too many bans for crashing helicopters for hackers and legitimate players alike for me to remove all of them >70% of bans for this reason are for hackers; all I see in the bans file is a generic message for your ban "remoteexec restriction."

    The same goes for all other bans, unless there is an obvious mistake, you will NOT be unbanned without a post on this forum, or notice in teamspeak or xfire.

    Thanks, icomrade.