• Seems to me that this film may be partially true, but it is mostly bogus. This conspiracy crap is based solely on anecdotal evidence.

    You think this is a serious movie? I think this is a "movie" that only proves why there is no cure for liberalism. I skimmed my way through parts of it until I reached the section in which funding for terrorism prevention is compared to that for heart disease. The narrator points out how more money is spent on preventing terrorism even though more people are killed by heart disease. Isn't it obvious that there is not much more to be learned about heart disease? Wouldn't it be pointless to increase government spending on something that is as inevitable as heart disease? These are analogies that only a mental patient could make and these are questions that proponents of this movie certainly can't answer in a logical manner.

    While increased government spending in a certain program does not necessarily result in favorable results, I think using tax dollars on terrorism prevention is one of very few reasonable examples of not-so-wasteful government spending. The movie only points out it's own absurdity when it mentions how very few people are killed by terrorism on a yearly basis when it receives high amounts of funding while heart disease kills many more and receives less funding. Shouldn't this fact only make sense? There is a reason so few are killed by terrorism annually, couldn't it be that the higher priorities receive more money?

  • I like this "movie" because it shows a lot of interesting angles us government uses to selfsustain itself, also plants seeds in peoples heads just like what the government does. Personally i'm always buying stuff or looking for ways to live easier(technology) so i can lay around naked in the sun. But at the end of the day i like to throw grenades like confetie and shoot people.
    p.s. I'm a business owner so buy my shit or i'm going to kill you. :twisted::lol:8)