• Recently ive been trying to go on our server but then it keeps kicking me after a minute or so. Now it keeps kicking me after about 30 seconds. I tried to go on other servers but same thing happens (only with pb enabled servers). Then i started joing so pb enabled servers and checked the console for anything wierd. I noticed it did not anymore say (might not be exact wording): "PnkbstrA successfully loaded PnkbstrB", then it says something similar about "PnkbstrB". I'm guessing that is the problem. It never happened to me before. Can you give me answers why this might be happening? BTW my computer recently updated to Windows 7, and since I started playing with Windows 7 it started, and before I upgraded this didnt happen. Could this be the reason? please reply ASAP, as practically all my favorite servers are PB enabled, plz answer, Thanks

    "Knowledge is power and power corrupts, so study hard and be evil."
    "If we do not end wars, wars will end us"

  • TY but my dad fixed it. and BTW, I already tried that and PB gave me less time on server XD. IDK what the problem was cuz I didnt ask my dad. I was watching TV and eating noodles & company while he was fixing....... I know! ok?! that does seem ungrateful.......sheesh

    "Knowledge is power and power corrupts, so study hard and be evil."
    "If we do not end wars, wars will end us"