Don't know what the hell to do...

  • Alright, so here's the situation with my internet: I'm paying for 1 Megabyte per second download, but getting 100 Kilobytes per second (or 30 on some times of the day). And the worst part is, here's a phone conversation with the head of the cable company.

    Him: I've run some speed tests on my end, and it's going just fine. Don't make me come over there, because if I run tests there and find out it's all OK, it'll cost you $45.
    Me: So my mom will say no to that.
    Him: Also, you mentioned a friend in that message who also has your problem?
    Me: Yeah, [I say his name].
    Him: Well I ran tests there and it all checked out OK.
    Me: *Thinks: Bullshit.*
    Him: So, you're never gonna really get the full speed on any server, I mean when you go from here to San Francisco, for instance, you could be going across the country and back.
    Me: But it seems odd that I get a tenth of the full speed 24/7. No other cable I've used did that. It also seems odd that this bouncing gives me a constant and not fluctuating speed.
    Him: Well, you're gonna have to talk to Rob about that.
    Me: So, my speed test gave me back 900 Kilobits.
    Him: Yeah, that's full speed and normal. That's correct.
    Me: So I'm paying for 1 Megabit and not a megabyte?
    Him: No, you're paying for one megabyte.
    Me: But 900 Kilobits is not 900 Kilobytes. I'm getting a Megabit and paying for a Megabyte?
    Him: Well, no, when you ran that test and got 900 Kilobits, you're getting the full megabyte.
    Him: If you keep calling the company every day like this and taking time out of ours, I'm gonna have to start monitoring your traffic and penalizing you for going over, because you guys have the most usage in that area.
    Me: That's probably my brother downloading a shitload of TV shows and movies and music.
    Him: Well, try not to go over.

    So the leader of the company thinks that 0.90 Megabits is close to 1 Megabyte, and there's nothing I can do because he's pissed that I'm calling every day to get this issue fixed. What the fuck do I do guys???

    Edited once, last by Cadeyrn (July 6, 2015 at 9:37 PM).

  • Rob a bank....then get a proper fucking internet...LOL 1 meg line.....

    PS how much are you paying for this??....please dont say $10!

    "Aspire to Inspire before you expire." " a state of mind."

  • DMC, 1. I live in the forest, 2. 1 Megabyte is plenty fast for EVERYTHING anyone does on the net. It's $80 BTW, same price as my old 14KB/sec.

    I have no choice between this cable and my ISDN, and I'd like to get the 1 Megabyte I'm paying for, especially since the 100KB I'm getting is what the ISDN was supposed to be all this time. It's really sad.

    Move my damn topic out of spam.

    Edited once, last by Cadeyrn (July 6, 2015 at 9:37 PM).

  • Cad, this is the definition of spam.

    1) Nobody cares about your internet, sorry to be so blunt.
    2) Nobody believes that your ISP tech guy actually said those things to you (even though he was probably thinking those things, as everyone does while hearing you speak), again sorry for being so blunt.

    [04:27] CloWn: we are pistol team. lol