Posts by HolyDiver
Those videos triggered me. I will not be purchasing.
what games do you play?
I would like to apologize again for calling you and trying to make up and be friends again, I guess I didn't realize how angry you were. It must take an extreme amount of anger to call my towns police department to complain about me, and I am truly sorry.
I would like to think that we could be friends in the future but... I can't just move on from this, you have shamed my families name in my small town.
I would like you to resign from OSF on your own. This is a friendly community of gamers and that is the wrong way to handle things here.
Honestly should anybody be allowed to be a member of OSF if they call the police on a long time friend, and member of the group over a stupid teamspeak fight.
If you dont want to leave OSF, you can call the police back and rescind your statements, all of them. This is your decision to make.
--I guess I should have been clearer. This is only so you and I could ever have a chance of talking again. Of course none of those above things have to happen. It would just be very nice. I also honestly don't think you (or anyone) looks at the website.
I vote yes,
Upon you're entrance, We expect you too stock pile 4 bags of blood for any future Apocalypse.
Also, We will need you to personally meet every current member and cut your palm and let the blood mix with each members.Thank you for your compliance,
you have my vote danny
i apologize but my vote is no.
seriously good bye.
thanks robo for drunk replying to my post. thats how your supposed to do it. and shit ive been drinking since 2009. my liver certainly feels it.
We mostly just play with ourselves, but we like playing warthunder
Hey all ladies in the house.
Who here doesnt like booze and getting shmamered this thread is a drink idea topic.
Look we all know we buy the 90proof whiskey and down it straight from the bottle, or barrel if you buy in bulk.
But everyonce in a while we wanna drink like were chilling. (Aka being a.bitch)
What do you bitches put in your drinks, be creative.with.ur. alcohol etc. We're all certified booze hounds so.we.should share our ideas!My personal favorite is vodka and monster energy,
Put the vodka in the screw top (huge) monster bottle.
I prefer 3/4 vodka and 1/4 monster.
This is great for class work etc.Another great idea is taking half a can of.your favorite dip (mines copenhagen straight)
Take some whiskey pour can, shake! Let sit 24hours use of the can to squeeze out the extra.fluid
Then dip away! Its a.deadly buzz.I also bast whiskey and rufus teague sauce on my veal then i grill it just barely so its still.bloody.
Stay sober boys.
Btw congrats to scanner who drank a beer tonight
Hello all.
This my is official request for regalia.
I have run out.
I will accept anything that is rated by proof, on the bottle. I do not want anything that says 14 % alch. by volume as that is pussy shit.
(if I have to I'll take it)Pictures of regalia will not help me.
I am in dire need here.
address is available upon request
That is all,