Posts by Cadeyrn

    I've been testing Crysis on my dad's internet while I'm here, which is the same speed as the cable I'll be getting soon. But my ping, which was 300-2000 on my internet, is still 200 here. It's so bad that I literally can't hit ANYONE, because my bullets don't reach them server-side until I'm already dead. Crysis is still unplayable with the fast internet I'll be getting because the server is so far away, and I was really looking forward to unlaggy Crysis. If my ping is 200 when I get that cable, I won't be playing because I can't even win against a noob with the damn lag.

    Agreed(kind of lol), and Cad by the way posting your argument in that many posts was really retarded and just admit that you lost man. Oh and I see you said that GIMP is better than adobe photo,guess what, your wrong. Personally I use GIMP to modify my images, but I still wish I had photoshop. Photoshop is bigger better and has more tools. Maybe the reason you don't like it is because your not a professional? I would say photoshop is a professional tool or even if you wanted to have some fun I know evil enjoys it. Open Office also sucks (but not as bad) I use Open Office, just so I can open files I get off the internet but for school or work you would need the real thing. Its all about necessity cad. Oh and thanks for proving that MAC sucks we already knew that but thank you. we just didn't know that Linux sucked more.

    ...How the fuck did you get such a long post through the server to this forum?! It wouldn't let me do that. I kept getting errors.

    Well, anyway, Arson, I already knew that EFI thing, and that's why I fucking HATE EFI. The worst thing about it is you can only boot into CDs that Apple deems okay for you to boot into, so no GParted or really any LiveCD that can manage partitions.

    Anyway, Holy, first of all, GIMP has way more advanced tools and plenty of shit that Photoshop doesn't have. Gimp has less tools, yes, but that's because every single tool Photoshop has that GIMP does not is just a shortcut for something that GIMP can do in not much more time if you know how. And it's not even hard to know how--the help option that every program has in GIMP includes guides to do everything that Photoshop has those tools for, such as bevel and emboss, in just a few extra seconds. And then with that slight disadvantage you get the upsides of free, instead of hundreds of dollars, open source, and more tools that can do stuff Photoshop can't.

    Second, OpenOffice is superior to Microsoft Office, simply because it's exactly like Microsoft Office except it can open way more file types and when saving files, it compress them much better, giving you a much smaller size. And yes, this compression of .doc through OpenOffice can be opened in Microsoft Word.

    And then this goes to all of you: none of you posed a real argument like I did. I gave you complete facts of Windows vs. Linux vs. Mac, and Evil, all you did was tell me you can buy Windows 7. You can buy Windows 7? I didn't know that! You can get Linux for free. Holy, all you did was talk bullshit about two open source programs, and then without addressing my actual argument, you just said "Windows is better, you lose, end of story." Arson, all you said was "I assume that argument sucked even though I didn't read it. Also, this is how EFI works..." None of that is as good as my argument, so no Holy, I haven't lost, not until you guys give me relevant facts.

    I vote we fix the broken voting system--that is, make it work all the time and not some of the time. I will help as much as I can to get this problem fixed. And then we can, yes, have the Mostly Mesa server and get the word out that players can vote on the next map and vote kick the hackers and air/tank whores. I mean, most air/tank whores aren't that annoying and behind the annoying vehicle is either a noob who you can't blame or a cool guy, but some are just total assholes.

    It's that simple. Windows will topple over itself while Mac and Linux will not. But Mac still sucks because of that first paragraph I made. Lastly, the final reason I prefer Linux is not only is it compatible with programs from all three operating systems if you do the small amount of work it takes, not only is it a vast community of computer pros instead of a big company that doesn't care if it works as long as they get the money; but programs like OpenOffice, GIMP, and more are the free open source programs that are also more powerful, efficient, and compatible with more file types than the mainstream programs like Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop. In fact, the Linux community is even developing our own Flash that will be compatible with normal flash things.

    And the final part, why I personally favor Linux: At the base of every OS is its kernel. The kernel decides how it starts up, how it runs, how it shuts down, how everything works. Mac and Linux kernels are based on the first computer OS, Unix. The Windows kernel started out based on MS-DOS, but it evolved and it's its own crappy system now. You may have heard of a deal between OpenSUSE Linux and Microsoft. This deal was for OpenSUSE to help Microsoft merge Unix with Windows, and that's what Vista and Windows 7 actually are.

    Anyway, the Windows kernel is bad, and merging it with Unix was actually an act of desperation, and it failed as we all know. You may have also seen all those commercials and websites about "your Windows PC being slow and horrible and how you should go to the website right now and perform the free scan!" The reason Windows machines break down after a year or two and require a reinstall to be fast again is the Windows kernel topples over itself and fucks itself up. It leaves unnecessary cache files and temporary files floating around, and those files build up and cause crashes, slowness, and vulnerabilities.

    Now for the big one, Linux vs. Windows. Linux is extremely capable for gaming, as well as Windows (and maybe even Mac, but probably not). Linux and Windows are equally capable in fact. The only reason that Windows wins as far as how many people use it is Windows came first, and most people are so afraid of change that they would rather stick with Windows than switch to Linux. This article is a great example of how afraid of change most Windows users are. Hell, most Windows users have never heard of Linux. Because of this, there are way more Windows users, which is why the gaming companies don't make Linux versions (although Epic Games does); there's no money in Linux because there aren't enough Linux users for a profit. If Linux came first, whether it would still be free and open source today I don't know, but it would be the leader ahead of Windows. Hell, there may have possibly been no Windows.

    Failure, Arson. If you think all that shit then you didn't read my post. HERE is my argument, written yesterday, in a bunch of separate posts as I promised.

    First of all, all Apple products are but childrens' toys of their real counterparts and can't do nearly as many things, such as iPhone<Google Android, Safari<Firefox or Google Chrome, and most importantly, Mac<Linux. Yes, Mac and Linux are similar as well as different from Windows. Linux looks and feels different from Mac and has superior and free programs, and the key difference between Linux and Mac is the Mock engine. Mac uses the Mock engine as guidelines for how to install and launch programs, while Linux uses its own guidelines. That is why Mac and Linux use separate file types, separate installations, and separate programs, and yet it's possible to install a Linux program on Mac and vice-versa.

    Well guys, I was never bashing Windows 7. I was bashing Microsoft. But really that Microsuck thing was just a joke; how could I hate the makers of the XBox??? I think Windows is great, but I prefer Linux by a shitload. Mac sucks altogether.

    EDIT: So I just cleared a bunch of bullshit from this post. Basically, getting my argument online was IMPOSSIBLE yesterday through all methods. Defeated, I gave up and decided that today I would try posting it in many different posts as a last resort, and there it is. Also, when I said that I can't hate the makers of the XBox, I meant it. But the filtering system is glitching out; every time I post the phrase N O T S A R C A S M without those spaces it turns into just "NOT" when posted.

    Sounds like a rip-off to me. The official newest version of Windows 7 (beta, that is) is available for official download and registration straight from Microsuck for free until January 2010. In fact, I was going to try it meself.

    I bought it for a 2nd time just to play it on Steam.

    But that's because the retail DVD installer doesn't work on Linux. Linux-users have to use the Steam version. Steam SUCKS! I only use it for games I can't play without it.

    Now those are cool. I know my dad earns a lot of money with those Google ads on his site. We should probably use one. Whenever I see "Ads by Google" on a website I think, these guys are smart to let Google give them money just because people click on links.