Posts by SuperRiceCream

    You have a new App to Become an Old School Fighter

    From User SuperRiceCream

    Question: If you have an Xfire account, what is your profile name ?


    Question: Do NOT create an application unless you have been invited to join OSF. Which current OSF member has agreed to be your referrer?

    Response: =OSF=

    Question: I know the rules on OSF servers and understand that by joining OSF, I am expected to uphold a high level of maturity, respect, and responsibility.

    Response: Yes

    Question: Joining OSF - Ambitions Please choose the most appropriate option.

    Response: I would like to take part in weekly practice sessions and play several days per week

    Question: What is your age?

    Response: 12

    Question: What country or state do you live in?

    Response: Rochester/NY

    Question: Why would you like to join us? What do you hope to get out of being an OSF member?


    i would like to join =OSF= to play, be, kind help other people if they need help, and i would join to have the fun in it and being part of =OSF= member