Posts by Bigvisk
im going to download this tonight and hope to play it some during the week
ill wait till it goes to the live build and will download and dick around in it for a bit
i havent updated this in forever, still excited for the game, when its done in 2-3 years. is it worth updating and dicking around in it now?
oh no, the world is ending. Thanks Teabag to years of selfless hosting.
watching all the anniversary stuff, lots of ships. still a lot of potential for this game
watching the tech demo now. this game has such potential.
i am updating my client now. have a long weekend, maybe ill get to play some.
wuite indeed.
ya, i have a few ships, but nothing like that. i am pretty excited for this game, i cant wait for the 2.6 drop and star marine.
Wuite the investment rip, try not to crash
7 years, so old
i have an andromedia and a cutlass, have not been playing, but will be soon
so, im old, im a huge star wars fan, but is this game any good? looks like a giant money grab/dump? but it also looks so pretty? looking for any of your opinions
has this guy been playing a long time? i recall a bot back when i was playing dayz with you fools. same guy?
getting oldER
fixed for evil
that must have been a hella arguement, im both sad and happy i have no idea what went down.
how do you explain that to the cops.
-so officer, theres this guy, on teamspeak
-teamspeak, its a computer program where you can
idk if this is serious or not...
ill be in a hotel to start while i look for a place, after i find an apartment ill be moving more stuff down. there is also off site training at somepoint, where i will once again, not have my pc. im waiting till star citizen is closer to release and going to build a new top of the line pc then most likely.