New Application to Become an Old School Fighter #14 from zac

  • You have a new Application to Become an Old School Fighter

    From User zacklink

    Question: Xfire name (if applicable)

    Response: zacklink

    Question: I know the rules on OSF servers and understand that by joining OSF, I am expected to uphold a high level of maturity, respect, and responsibility.

    Response: Yes

    Question: Joining OSF - Ambitions Please choose the most appropriate option.

    Response: I would like to take part in weekly practice sessions and play several days per week

    Question: What is your age?

    Response: 14

    Question: Why would you like to join us? What do you hope to get out of being an OSF member?


    i would just like to be in a clan

    i've played with a few of you before

    o liked it and decided to join.just to have fun


  • Hi zach. Please download, install, and connect to our TeamSpeak voice server.

    Chances are good that you'll be able to join us as long as you're able to say "hi" in the voice server :D

    Until then, please refrain from adding "=OSF=" to your name :)

    [04:27] CloWn: we are pistol team. lol